I first used local taw-taw (sabiki) to catch galunggung (Cigar minnow). I used the live cigar minnow as bait. Actually, the hardest part it catching the bait. There were days that we cannot catch any and if there are no baits, there would not be a good sized fish. I was able to catch one and I got rewarded with this talakitok (Jack Trevally). The fish weighed almost 2kilos.
Subic [January 2008]
Pargo or Maya-maya (Mangrove Snapper) This one wasn't caught using a lure. :-) I caught it using a 4 inch aligasin (mullet) for bait. A little above 1 kilo.
First fish on Lure [June 9, 2008]
This was my first fish caught on lure. I think this is the fish that hooked me into lure fishing.
Apahap (Barramundi)
2 kilograms
Kapitan Larry's Pond
Technium 2500FA with 9.75lbs line and 20lbs leader.
Rapala Super Shad Rap Shallow Diver 3.5 inches (Blue Shiner)
Coloong Biya [September 21, 2008]
I was trying to target Apahap. After almost an entire day of casting, still no takers. The only thing I caught is this feisty Biya (Goby). It struck a Daiwa DC shad even when the lure was almost half its size. The goby was released to grow some more.
Kangkungan Dalag [October 1, 2008]
I went to the kangkungan for an attempt to catch dalag (haruan in Malay and Snakehead in English). I was joined by a fellow angler Bong who have been given me excellent tips on how to coax these critters into hitting lures. All I have achieved were a few strikes but no hook-ups during the past days. Luckily that morning, in the middle of Tropical Storm Pablo's Signal Number 1, I got lucky:
It hit the lure after about ten casts at the edge of the weeds. Not bad for my first dalag/haruan. Almost a kilo.
After a few pictures, we released the fish. Thanks again to Bong for the excellent tips and for taking the pics
Kangkungan Dalag Part 2 [October 7, 2008]
After the excitement last Oct1 -- the first time I caught a dalag, I went back for another shot. I got 8 strikes. and landed 5 of them. The biggest is around 700 gms and the smallest is about half kilo.
All fishes were released.
Coloong Dalag [October 27, 2008]
Went to Coloong with Bong. It was a slow day. Only few strikes. It seems that frogs are not part of the Coloong dalags' diet so we switched to spinners designed and made by Bong. I was not familiar with using spinners on Baitcasting outfit at first. After some tips by Bong (the master), I got the hang of it. Bong caught 2 and I caught this one:
Zambales Dalag [November 4, 2008]
All the "training" in Kangkungan and Coloong paid off. I caught three Haruans during All Soul's break in Zambales. One of them is is jut 300 grams but 2 of them made the 1 kilo mark. All fishes were released to fight another day.
Aling Nene's Coloong [November 16, 2008]
I was trying to target dalags in Aling Nene's pond in Coloong but the dikes were full of anglers and I can't cast at the water's edge without snagging someone's line. Not wanting to waste a good day of fishing, I decided to try their famed Apahaps. I got on a small canoe with Balong the boy boatperson and went to the our ponds where the Apahaps are lurking.
It was so hard to cast because the bamboo platforms that I was on was so narrow and shaky. There was also the electric cables, which was running parallel to the platform, that are obstructing my casts. After around 15 miserable minutes, I got a strike and landed this nice sized Apahap (Barramundi). I only took a couple of photos because I didn't want to keep the fish out of the water for long. The other shot was blurred. Made sure that the fish was fully revived before letting it go. My guesstimate is between 3 to 3.5 kilos.
Kapitan's Dalag [November 30, 2008]
Nothing else to do at home and the fishing itch was unbearable. I decided to try Kapitan's Lawak. It's a wide lake-like pond where the fishes are semi-wild. There was talk that really huge Apahaps in the 10kg weight are lurking. After an entire day of casting, i ended up catching another dalag. Almost a kilo. Fish was released so it can grow bigger.
Hibiki Frog Prototype [December 10, 2008]
After some encouragement from fellow anglers, I got inspired to test my prototype frog, which we called Hibiki Frog. All materials used in the prototype are easily obtainable. I made the frog from scratch, the clay model, the mold, the rubber body, and paint.
The best place to test the frog, I thought, was the famed kangkungan where the dalags are no longer easy to fool. They have tried a LOT of lures already -- frogs, crankbaits, worms, etc. etc.
Anyway, after around 2 hours in the kangkungan, it has proven its worth. It caught 4. Here is a photo of the biggest that it caught:
All fishes were released after they gave their sign of approval to the Hibiki Frog prototype
Year-end Dalag Catch Report [December 31, 2008]
Around 5 half-day fishing during the Christmas/New Year vacation in Zambales. Total catch 16. 4 are around 200 to 250gms, majority are 650gms to 900gms. Only 1 reached 1kilo. Here are some of the bigger ones.
Still unable to land that wild above-kilo dalag. Maybe next time.
All fishes were released. I really had a difficult time explaining to locals why I released them. Anyway, maybe in due time they would understand.
Hey Alex,
ReplyDeleteGreat blog. Linked this up to mine. Fish on!